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"the growing web site for
growing ages".
is an educational web site for children of all ages.
Education is a never ending
process. We learn at all ages and at all the times,
until we reach our full
The objective of this site is to
help achieve children their maximum potential.
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Dear friends,
As it is said, our website is “the growing website for growing ages”. Now, for grown up ages, we are starting a new blog. You may check it out. It is about the religious philosophical aspect of our knowledge. We call the blog "TRUTH". Truth is about true understanding about the Hinduism. Hinduism is an ancient religion – one of the five major ancient religions, namely, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Friends, now you have a place to post your thoughts and ideas about Hinduism. If you have any questions about our understanding about God, about souls, and their relationships, you may also ask. The blog will try to satisfactorily answer your questions. Your input will be our most valuable assets in improving our understanding of the subject.
Below is the link to blog your thoughts and ideas - comments and questions:
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